README.TXT ---------- JOC Web Spider 2.52 Author: Jose Olive Civit Copyright (C) 1998,99 Jose Olive Civit All rights reserved worldwide DESCRIPTION ----------- JOC Web Spider 2.52 - Download websites FAST! and navigate offline. Speed your navigation. Save time and money. Uses project files to store list of websites. Allows diferents modes to store the websites in your HD. Filters by levels, external links, directories, include/exclude links, wildcards, etc. Includes an Update feature allows to download a project in diferents sessions and remove the unused files, saving disk space. Can extrack email addresses from the visited pages. Uses a new technology that allows to handle up to 100 conections at the same time. Includes a new Quick View option for fast access to web pages. Proxy support, etc. Easy to use, Compact. Status: Shareware (US $29.95) Distribution status: Freely distributable. Author: Jose Olive Civit Email: Web: Requeriments: Windows 95/98/NT. INSTALLATION ------------ To install JOC Web Spider: - In Windows 95/98/NT select Start menu. - Click in Execute. - Type: JOCWS252.EXE